Meet the trustees

CHRISTOPHER DARLINGTON MAPHOSA(REV)Chris is our HOPE for KIDS Zimbabwe BOARD CHAIRMAN, an ordained Pastor, Missionary with Serving in Mission(SIM) and responsible for the SIM’s Children’s Ministry in 10 SADC Countries. He is also the Board of Trustees Vice Chairman at Christian World Outreach, a Christian ministry similar to Hope for Kids. Chris is a devout Christian, a developed theologian, a mature, very development oriented leader with an infectious passion for children.Chris has served the United Baptist Church as a fulltime pastor for 15 years before he moved to his current children’s missionary role. He brings an oasis of experience to the Hope for Kids board as the Chairman. Chris is married to Nancy and the two are blessed with 3 children.
Chris is a selfless and dynamic leader who can be contacted at
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JONAH DHLAKAMAHMeet our HOPE for KIDS BOARD TREASURERmeet our Hope for Kids Zimbabwe Board Treasurer, Mr Jonah Dhlakama, an Accountant by profession and the current Managing Director for Thando Timbers. Jonah has 16 years experience in Finance and Export Market Development. He was with The Wattle Company Limited from 2004 to August 2020 and has vast experience in Treated Poles(a specialty of Wattle Company). He held several senior posts during his career and also hold a Master of Science degree in Accounting and Finance; a Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators Diploma and a holder of an Executive Diploma in Business Leadership with Zimbabwe Institute of Management.Hope for Kids Zimbabwe is honored to have Mr Dhlakama on board and responsible for the Finance, he can be contacted on
KUDZAI PAULINEKudzai is one of our Hope for KIDS Board members, an accountant by profession and formerly the National Book Keeper at ZIMRIGHTS Head Office in Harare. She holds a diploma in Accounting, a very competent accountant and brings a lot experience in the accounting field.
Kudzai loves baking and runs a baking school in Mutare. The Hope for KIDS offices were once at her baking shop, and rentals were donated by her.
She is married to Misheck and the two are blessed with one kid, Stevan.
She can be contacted on or
PAMELA CHINEMBIRI.Meet Pamela, our Hope for KIDS BOARD VICE CHAIRPERSON.Pamela is a seasoned Child Rights and Protection expect with more than 10 years’ experience in the child rights and protection fraternity. She holds a Master’s Degree in Child and Family Studies, Bachelor of Arts Degree and holds two Diplomas in Project Monitoring and Evaluation and Personnel Management. Career experience includes working for the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare, under the department of Social Welfare, ISPED and Plan International Zimbabwe. During the years of experience, sound knowledge was developed in community development, child rights programming, and good project management. With years of span and sound experience within Plan International, under the portfolio of a Programme Facilitator doubling as Child Rights and Protection focal point person, a thorough understanding of vast trends in community development and child protection programming, community mobilization, advocacy and influencing of partners was gained.Pamela has excellent writing and reporting skills and the ability to develop concept notes/ project proposals and manage budgets. She is a great and effective facilitator with excellent influencing, networking negotiating and decision making abilities, and pays attention to detail. A self-motivated team player with the ability to collaborate well with key stakeholders such as donors, NGOs, Government line ministries, local authorities, communities and children.She is a Team player who is passionate on networking ,motivating and mentoring team members.
she can be contacted at
GARIKAYI SHALLOM UTSEYAOur HOPE for KIDS Zimbabwe Board Secretary is the youthful Garikayi Utseya. Garikayi has a very rare heart, caring for the orphaned children. Garikayi is the founder and Director of Christwish College in Dangamvura which provides informal education to those out of formal school due to various challenges, finances as one of them. Garikayi is the one who brought Lesley(our University of Zimbabwe undergraduate) to Misheck’s attention. and has been providing shelter and food for many children including the former Orphans Coordinator for Hope for KIDS ,Vernon Mukombamoyo even though they are entirely unrelated.Garikayi’s passion is difficult to explain, with limited resources he shares, he is recently married to Nomatter.

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ANGELINE RUDO CHAKUMA (NEE) DUBEAngeline Rudo Chakuma, our Hope for KIDS BOARD VICE SECRETARY. Angeline is married and a mother of one. She is a health professional for the past decade with extensive experience in Opportunistic infections and has worked closely with children. Angeline is an ernegetic lady with interest in developing quality healthcare in underserved communities around the world.
Hope for KIDS seeks to develop accountable community collaborations in addressing overall health matters and in addressing specific health issues. This process can support the development of shared community goals for health improvement and the implementation of a planned and integrated approach for achieving those goals and we are richer as a team with Angeline in our midst, she can also be contacted at
PERPERTUAL NYAKAPIKOMeet Perpetual Nyakapiko, our Board Member(Legal Advisor).Perpetual is a qualified registered Legal Practitioner, practicing as such and a member of the Law Society of Zimbabwe. She has progressive working experience in the Publi…
PERPERTUAL NYAKAPIKOMeet Perpetual Nyakapiko, our Board Member(Legal Advisor).Perpetual is a qualified registered Legal Practitioner, practicing as such and a member of the Law Society of Zimbabwe. She has progressive working experience in the Public, Private and Civil Society Sectors. She possesses knowledge in broad areas of the legal field, including the areas of legal advice, litigation, corporate governance, advocacy, legislative drafting and processes. She is also an accomplished legal researcher who has worked in the high offices of the Deputy Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and the Judge President at the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and High Court. She currently sits on the Royal Trumpet Family Trust Board. She is also a past Board member of a number of entities where she was responsible for providing legal advice and giving guidance on issues of corporate governance. Perpetual also enjoys