Together, we can

Hope Changes Everything

Our Impact

We are a community of loving people inspired to change the way orphaned and vulnerable children live in Zimbabwe through education, health & psycho-social support. We also recently won the Manicaland’s 2023 Zimbabwe Aids Network most vibrant CSO attesting to our noticeable increased reach to the needy in Manicaland

What we do

Zimbabwe, once a beacon of prosperity and progress in southern Africa, has faced significant challenges in recent years. The country’s economic and social landscape has been impacted, affecting the well-being of its citizens, particularly children and young people. Hope for Kids Zimbabwe is committed to supporting vulnerable communities, promoting education, health, and entrepreneurship, and empowering the next generation to build a brighter future.


As an organization we identified an important need for the children that we minister to i.e apart from the school fees they also need their spiritual and emotional needs met,and our experienced and caring staff are primed to address that in the 4 day holiday camps every December.


Education is the main project for HOPE for KIDS. Without the gift of education, a child’s life is extremely limited. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and is essential for any child to have a secure future and that’s why we are committed to providing an education for the children we serve so that their hopes and dreams can truly become a reality. Educating a child is life-transforming, and we understand how much impact that we make when we educate the orphaned and vulnerable children, please consider being part of this awesome and life-transforming initiative


This project empowers school-going children with entrepreneurial skills and mindset. The clubs, established in partnership with local schools, provide a platform for students to develop innovative ideas, learn business skills, and start their own small enterprises. Through mentorship, training, and resources, the clubs foster a culture of entrepreneurship, self-reliance, and economic empowerment among young people. By equipping them with the skills and confidence to succeed, the clubs help students become job creators, break the cycle of poverty, and contribute to Zimbabwe’s economic growth.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Women and Youths empowered in Zimbabwe
Houses Constructed during Cyclone Idai Disaster
Children Reached since 2015
Boreholes &Gardens established

Support us and change the course of a child’s life today!
